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Chicago Mayor blames *checks notes* Trump supporters


Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson is failing miserably to lead Chicago to peace and prosperity, so naturally he blames Trump supporters for putting him office. Brandon Johnson has a history of blaming things on others instead of taking accountability for his failures in Chicago. People who thought Lori Lightfoot was bad, then voted for this guy, sure got a rude awakening.

This is the same Brandon Johnson who said rioting teens were just making mistakes, as if he didn’t care that they were breaking the law and ruining the neighborhood. Should anyone tolerate this level of incompetence? ABC7 reported:

Johnson called the activity “unacceptable,” but went on to say, “it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”

Mayor Lori Lightfoot also responded to the violence.

“We have taken steps, and will take steps to address these teen trends. It’s not the first time that we’ve addressed these issues, but our young people have an opportunity and a right to enjoy the entirety of our city, but they have to do it in a way that is respectful for people and property. And we did address that over the weekend, and we will continue to address it,” Lightfoot said. “The vast majority of young people that came downtown because it was a great weather and an opportunity to enjoy the city, that’s absolutely entirely appropriate. There are a few that came with different intentions, and they have, and they will be dealt with.”

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