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“Sideshow of Diversity”: Biden’s failing cabinet torn to shreds


President Joe Biden has proven that his administration simply has no idea what it’s doing. Joe Rogan was talking about Biden’s failing administration, calling it a “sideshow of diversity” and said you shouldn’t even have these people running an ice cream shop, let alone one of the most powerful governments in the world.

Joe Rogan is right though. Look at all the obvious diversity hires where people were picked because of who they are, rather than what they’ve accomplished. Everyone from Mayor Pete Bootyjudge, Kamala Harris, KJP – what have they done for anyone in the last several years? Nothing but fail.

Mayor Pete has no clue what he’s doing. Kamala Harris is only known for word salads and being clueless. KJP lies to Americans every time she’s in front of a microphone. These are possibly some of the worst people running the government or working for them in a capacity that they are not talented enough to do.

It’s a shame how bad the government has become in general. It’s like some of them spend more time on social media clapping for Twitter likes when they should be busy working to make the country better. I think we need term limits for every position and age limits too. No one under 35 should be in government and no one over 65 should be either. Serve 4-8 years in government, then go back to your normal job. Politics should be a service to your country, not a career.

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