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Joe Biden leaves reporters confused, says: ‘we’re in the process of making up MY mind’ when asked about China

President Joe Biden took a tumble on his bike and reporters didn’t hesitate to catch it on video and ask him political questions. One reporter asked about him lifting tariffs on China and Joe wouldn’t give a concrete definitive answer.
A reporter asked about it and Biden suggested they’re working on it. The reporter then followed up with a second question after Biden mumbled an answer. She asked: “You’re lifting the tariffs [on China]?” Biden replied: “WE’RE in the process of making up MY mind.” That statement left many people confused. It’s on video to watch below:

Biden is considering removing tariffs placed on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods from back when Donald Trump was president. This took place during what some people might call a ‘trade war’ between countries.
Biden and his administration are reviewing the tariffs to see if removing them would somehow help lower inflation and gas prices. They’re also considering a temporary pause on federal gas taxes, as stated by Reuters who provided from insights from Biden’s US Treasury Secretary, Janey Yellen.
Related video: Biden falls off his bike and it’s caught on camera! Watch now!
She believes that Trump’s imposed tariffs on China offered “no strategic purpose” and that’s one reason Biden might remove them. However, critics of Biden would argue that America was better off under Trump with less inflation and cheaper gas – although gas did rise a bit under Trump, it was not setting record numbers in the same way it is now under Biden’s administration.
Reuters reported more on Biden’s Treasury Secretary: “Yellen, speaking to ABC News, said the administration was reviewing its China tariff policy but did not cite specifics and declined to say when there may be a decision.
“We all recognize that China engages in a range of unfair trade practices that is important to address but the tariffs we inherited, some serve no strategic purpose and raise cost to consumers,” she said.”
However, Yellen admitted to be wrong about inflation.
FOX Business anchor David Asman joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss the Biden administration’s handling of rampant inflation as consumer prices continue to rise. Treasury Secretary Yellen openly admits she was wrong on inflation, a major problem President Joe Biden must deal with.
Yellen specifically stated she was wrong about the path that inflation would take following the months of public statements made about the perceived threat of it.
Yellen said: “I think I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take… As I mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy that have boosted energy and food prices and supply bottlenecks that have affected our economy badly that I didn’t at the time fully understand.”
But Yellen reverted back to the ‘demic and Ukraine being invaded by Russia, suggesting that helped crush people with economic problems.
Yellen continued, saying the following remarks at one time: “So really, the shocks to the economy have continued, but inflation is the number one concern for President Biden… I think there’s a lot of uncertainty related to what’s going on with Russia and Ukraine and I do think that it’s exacerbating inflation… I don’t want to make a prediction exactly as to what’s going to happen in the second half of the year, you know, we’re likely to see another year in which 12-month inflation numbers remain very uncomfortably high.”
Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has met with Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve Chair, and suggested plans to respect the central bank, as reported.
“My plan to address inflation starts with simple proposition: Respect the Fed, respect the Fed’s independence,” Biden said.
The sit-down on a heat-drenched late-spring day was Biden’s latest effort to show his dedication to containing the 8.3% leap in consumer prices over the past year. Rising gas and food costs have angered many Americans heading into the midterm elections, putting Democrats’ control of the House and Senate at risk.
Many Americans are worried that President Joe Biden might have run out of options. AP ran a report that mentioned Biden’s limited game-plan as well, covering Biden’s meeting with Powell and stating:
Biden is running out of options on his own. His past attempts — oil releases from the strategic reserve, improving port operations and calls to investigate price gouging — have fallen short of satisfactory results. High prices have undermined his efforts to highlight the low 3.6% unemployment rate, leaving a growing sense of pessimism among Americans.

Tuesday’s meeting was the first since Powell was renominated in November by Biden to lead the central bank and came two weeks after his confirmation for a second term by the Senate.

It also represented something of a reversal by Biden as inflation weighs heavily on voters’ minds. The president asserted in April 2021 that he was “very fastidious about not talking” with the independent Fed and wanted to avoid being seen as “telling them what they should and shouldn’t do.”

It remains unclear how, and if, Joe Biden can fix the disastrous inflation causing Americans to suffer at the wallet.

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