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Biden agrees to debate with Trump, but only under stupid terms


President Joe Biden proves once again he’s the weakest link. Joe finally agreed to a debate with former President Donald Trump and of course it came with the most stupid terms possible. Let me just tell you this – Joe Biden wants the debate in a studio with no audience. This is how pathetic Joe Biden is at his age and the Democrats should be held guilty of elder abuse for pushing this old man around like a useless puppet.

No audience? Are you kidding me? Is this because they know the audience would call out Joe Biden when he says something stupid? And Joe Biden reportedly wants it on CNN. I say put it on every station so everyone can watch it. Put this debate in front of a live audience in a stadium and let every news station come to it. Then pack the stadium with people and let this play out the way it should.

We all know what would happen. Joe Biden has no support anymore, so the crowd would be behind Donald Trump because America cannot afford another four failed years like we just had with Joe and the hoe Kamala Harris. America wants to see them debate, but Joe Biden and the Democrats pathetic terms are basically the guidelines on how to be a loser. 81 million votes, but they don’t want a live audience? Why, because they can’t find anyone who supports him? I think we all know what’s really going on here, folks. Try not to sh*t your pants on stage, Joe.

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