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Woman who claims to have found Ashley Biden’s diary in ‘halfway house’ faces investigation

The FBI is investigating a Florida woman, who found Ashley Biden’s private diary, not for stealing the journal but for selling it. The diary has some explosive content where Ashley speculates that showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a young girl may have contributed to her s-x addiction.
In a January 2019 entry, she wrote: “I remember having s-x with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).”
The president’s daughter, now 41, after a stint in rehab briefly lived in a Palm Beach home often used by recovering addicts, and when she moved back to Philadelphia in June 2020, she left her diary there.
Weeks later, a single mother of two Aimee Harris, 39, also fresh out of rehab, moved in and found the diary under the mattress.
Allegedly, Harris showed the diary at a Republican fundraising event and sold it for $40,000 to right-wing organization Project Veritas.
Ashley wrote that she was “hyper-s-xualized [at] a young age,” and also details about affairs outside her marriage, how her finances were ‘down to the wire,’ her chronic drug abuse, and how she made Joe cry with worry over her ahead of a Democratic primary debate.
Ashley may have been using drugs in 2019 when while helping campaign for her father’s presidential bid, her writings show.
Less than two weeks before the 2020 election, the writings were published on a right-wing news site, but at the time, they received little attention.
In November 2021, the New York Times first reported a Justice Department probe over the diary and confirmed that the diary is authentic.
But the story that its pages contained deeply concerning information that the president’s own daughter believes his alleged showering with her could have helped create her s-x addiction, the Times neglected to include.
The Times’s November story said that in an alleged burglary, the diary and other items belonging to Ashley were stolen, as a Biden family representative reported.
But Harris is not being investigated for theft, a source close to the investigation said.
“The feds now aren’t saying it was illegal to find the diary. Nor are they saying Aimee stole anything,” said the source.
“But it’s her selling the property of another that could be considered a crime. And the fact Ashley is the president’s daughter kicks it to a different legal level,” the source added.
Allegedly, Harris teamed up with a friend, convicted money-launderer Robert Kurlander, to sell the diary to Project Veritas, known for its undercover sting operations against Democrat politicians and affiliated organizations.
However, Kurlander declined to comment.
Dates written in the diary run from January 25 to September 18 of 2019 when she was in her late 30s.
Ashley wrote about her s-x addiction the day before her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, in an entry on January 30.
“I have always been boy crazy. Hyper-s-xualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being s-xualized with [a family member]; I remember having s-x with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),” she wrote.
At other times Ashley appeared grateful to her parents, despite entertaining the possibility that Joe could have been inappropriate with her as a child.
On March 16 she wrote: “I relapsed. F***ing again. The difference this time around was that I told Elizabeth, Mom + Dad this morning. Mom + Dad worried but incredibly supportive. I am so lucky to have them on my side.”
In a July 27 entry, while her continued drug abuse left her on the brink of financial ruin and her father in tears, she wrote: “My dad cried on the phone saying he has the debate in a week + ‘now has to worry about you. And he cried. Maybe he knows what he is doing + it’s worked but my feelings of guilt often are overwhelming.”

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