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The American Dream is too expensive, we’re screwed


A woman in her 20’s talks about how she basically wants to live the American Dream, but everything is so expensive that it seems like the dream is no longer a reality. She’s young and already on the right path of wanting a house and kids so she can settle down and raise a family, but it’s next to impossible in this horrible economy under failing President Joe Biden and his circus act White House filled with diversity hires.

You know what else sucks? Gas was around $3.30 a gallon last week in New Jersey. Now it’s up to $3.60+. That’s a 30 cent increase in just a week. Now times that by a 15 gallon tank every week, and your money is going out the window. Groceries? Still pricey, just like consumer goods in general. Want to buy a home or get a loan on something, sorry, the interest rates are out of wack. Want a value meal at the fast food place? Sorry, they pay $15+ an hour now and your value meal is regular price these days. It’s insane how bad everything spiraled out of control.

Oh, here’s another one. You’re paying almost $2k in rent, but if you bought a house, the mortgage would only be around $1500. Nope. Not approved. So you’re telling me that I cannot afford the house that would actually cost LESS MONEY than the dumpy apartment I’m renting now from a scumbag landlord who’s overcharging everyone in the development… and I have good credit… make it make sense!

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